you should ride a bike?
Although there are countless social issues today, individuals are limited in what they can do. However, riding bicycles allows people to take effective action immediately. Riding bicycles can be affordable transportation for almost all people and it can have a positive impact on both society and individuals.
Cheap & Fast
If you spend $500, you will get a decent bike for commuting in NYC. The unlimited MTA Metro Card costs $121 a month, so the price of the bike will pay off in about four months!
Moreover, bikes are often faster than cars and the subway, especially in Manhattan. The traffic effects cyclists less and there are no unexpected delays like on the subway.

Healthy & Creative
According to the New York Times, regular exercise may keep your body 30 years ‘younger’! Cycling improves not only physical condition but also mental well-being.
While you are cycling, you are focused on what you are doing, not on distracting electronic devices. This environment can help people think more deeply and creatively.

Good for Environment
Motor vehicle emissions represent 31 percent of total carbon dioxide, 81 percent of carbon monoxide, and 49 percent of nitrogen oxides released in the U.S. (The Green Commuter, a publication of the Clean Air Council).
Bike commuting uses minimal fossil fuels and can have a significant effect on both emissions and fuel consumption.

Worried about Safety?
There have been many more bike lanes/paths installed in the city the past decade. More cyclists can improve the status and environment of riders, and that can increase bicycling safety.
The maps on the right are NYC Bicycle Maps in 1997 and 2016. The green lines indicate bike paths or separated bike lanes while red lines shows “recommended” routes which means streets shared with cars.

Hate doing exercise?
Then commuting by bike is perfect for you!
You can naturally integrate exercising in your everyday life by bicycle commuting. You don't need to go to a gym or wake up early morning to go running.
7 tips
riding in NYC
Riding in the city might be a bit of a hassle, so here are some tips I want to share which are based on my experience commuting by bike for years.
1Always look in every direction!
Common sense is not so common—never assume people will follow the rules. So when you are riding, always pay attention in every direction. The other cyclist might come from the wrong direction, cars might turn without using signals, and suddenly, pedestrians might jump in front of your bike while they are focused on their phones.

2Slow down and stop anytime
In New York, everything is fast and everybody tries to go first. Therefore, the one of the best ways to avoid accidents is whenever you feel uncomfortable, just slow down and stop to assess the situation first.

3If you bring your bike on the subway
You can bring your bike on the subway. However, it is important to show the MTA employees that you paid the fare before using the door to bring your bike in. When you want get past the turnstile, tell the person in the booth, swipe the Metro card, push the turnstile, and then use the emergency door.

4How to safely lock your bike
When you lock your bike, you should always remember the risk of it being stolen or getting hit by a car. To avoid getting your bike stolen, you should get a quality lock which is difficult to break. When you park your bike in the city, chose the space as far as possible from the street to reduce the risk to get hit by cars.
For example, use the sidewalk side of a bike rack; not the side next to a car.

5You can be given multiple tickets at one time
Basically, you should follow all the rules when you ride but you might not always feel like waiting for a red light in the middle of nowhere. However, the NYPD give traffic tickets to cyclists. For instance, cyclists in Brooklyn got $4,600 in red light tickets while riding down a deserted street!

6How to avoid being "doored"
Being "doored" is one of the worst accidents for cyclists. To avoid getting it, there are a few ways which could be effective. 1) ride on the right side of parked cars since drivers are on the left side. 2) check the door mirrors of the cars in front of you 3) always assume the door is opening when a cab is stopping in a middle of the street.

7Stay cool and have fun!
Riding in the city could be tough. Cars and pedestrians often ignore cyclists and you might feel annoyed about their behavior towards cyclists. However, getting angry does nothing for you. Once you can control your emotions and stay cool about it, it is just fun and exciting riding in the city!

Where to Ride
in the city
One of the great things about riding in Manhattan is that you have a million choices to get from one place to another. Here are some examples for riding from north to south.
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